Fortune Telling – おみくじ

Fortune Telling – おみくじ

Blessing or curse? Visit our SMASH! omikuji booth to try your luck, and hope for a fortunate future …

Omikuji (translates to “sacred lot”, as in ‘lottery’) is a Japanese tradition, with booths usually found at temples or shrines. For a small silver donation, you will receive a paper fortune slip that can range from a great blessing all the way to a great curse. If you are lucky and receive a blessing of any size, keep it with you and good fortune shall find you! However if you get a curse, the slip should be left behind so the bad luck will wait there instead of following you.

You can always try for more slips until you get a strong blessing to take home with you! We will also have Love Petal fortunes for you to test your luck with. A rack will available to leave behind any unlucky curses.

All proceeds raised will be donated to charity (TBA).